Person stopping your growth

Person stopping your growth

One day the students of a school saw a note at the entrance gate, which said –
‘The person who was stopping your growth in this school passed away yesterday, please join for the funeral.
The students felt sad about the demise of one of their school mates. However, they were also curious to see who was stopping their growth and so they lined up in a queue near the coffin.
They went one by one and were shocked to look inside the coffin. There was a mirror inside the coffin and all they could see was their own image.
There was a note next to the mirror that said- “The only person who can stop you from growing is YOU.”

We are only limited by our own self-limiting.
Stop limiting yourself.
All the resources we require are within us. During the hard times, recall your success stories, the situations where you found solutions and moved ahead. This will help you in realising your potential and shift you into a resourceful state.
“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right- “
Henry Ford.

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